To achieve the objectives of our customers, we participate in various levels of the government, administrative...
We have also successfully advised companies on contracts for the purchase or sale of business...
We are aware that the industrial property has become particularly booming in local and international markets and therefore requires a high specialization...
We elaborate the business Integrity Policy, which mitigate risks and attenuates responsibilities...
We have extensive experience in public procurement advice in all the various modalities established by the Mexican Procurement Law...
We have technical, administrative and regulatory support advice to meet the needs of our clients...
Our contentious area is composed of lawyers with a broad professional experience for the representation of our clients...
We provide legal advice on employer labor matters, with the aim of anticipating any contingency in this area, which may have an impact on the business...
We have developed extensive experience in public relations and communication; we develop, implement and evaluate communication strategies oriented to......
Our Customs and Foreign Trade area deals with the customs Administrative Procedures presented...
Comprehensive services can offer management solutions tailored to the needs of real estate and business establishments...
At CG&A, we have extensive experience in filing Complaints and/or Complaints, Appeals and Subsequent Challenge Instances......
The trust market in Mexico is growing constantly coming to represent several billion of pesos, therefore its expertise and importance should be increased...
Mediation is a voluntary alternative solution mechanism in which the involved parties in a controversy search and build a satisfactory solution...
Our area of Antitrust specializes in the analysis of contracts and agreements projects, entered into between economic agents...
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