Our contentious area is composed of lawyers with a broad professional experience for the representation of our clients before various Authorities and Courts, the Federal as well as the State, also including those specialized in national and international Arbitration.
In this sense, the legal advice of our trial lawyers is based on the study and preparation of actions and/or relevant defenses for each case, including the preparation and submission of claims, replies, counterclaims, preparation and presentation of evidence as well as any other resource or document necessary for the care and monitoring of all administrative or judicial proceedings in any instance to its ultimate conclusion, which is done in complete coordination and constant communication with our clients to discuss and evaluate strategies to follow and evaluate the potential costs, benefits and risks of each case, in order to provide them the support they need. Of course, this includes aspects of regulatory and sanitary character.
To fulfill this purpose, one of the policies of CG&A is to constantly inform our customers about the procedural status of their business and the actions to take.
As one of our main commitments is to offer all customers the services of legal advice to be of preventive nature in matters of litigation, our litigators are in constant coordination with other areas of the office, primarily in the corporate area, when negotiating complex contracts and transactions, in anticipating and preventing risks and problems that may generate some controversy, which obviously adds value to each of our services.