Mediation is a voluntary alternative solution mechanism in which the involved parties in a controversy search and build a satisfactory solution through the assistance of an impartial third party.

Thus, among the services our Firm offers to clients one is to search and bring solution proposals to the conflict through various ways of amicable composition in order to settle controversies participating as an outside third and with no interest in it; guided, on every moment, by the principles of impartiality, flexibility, neutrality, legality, trust, honesty, good faith and information.

Nuestra Firma se limita a propiciar la comunicación y negociación entre las partes invitándoles a que lleguen a un acuerdo que resuelva el conflicto, generando las herramientas legales pertinentes que blinden el compromiso asumido por la partes en disputa.

In CG&A Legal y Asuntos Públicos, we act as conciliator of the parties bringing concrete, clear and precise alternatives so their differences are solved in mutual agreement.

CG&A Legal y Asuntos Públicos, aside from participating as a third away from the controversy and proposing solutions to the parties, agrees the proposed solution to them through the emission of a report for their future compliance.

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